A document is then made up of one or more fields plus an optional boost value indicating the document's importance. 文档由一个或多个字段和一个表明文档的重要性的可选增强(boost)值组成。
The sum of an empty tree is zero, and the sum of other trees is the sum of the left tree plus the value of the Integer plus the sum of the right tree. 空树的汇总是零,其他树的汇总是左树加上Integer的值再加上右树的值。
A field is made up of the actual content to be indexed or stored plus metadata telling Lucene how to handle that content and a boost value indicating that field's importance. 字段由需要索引和储存的实际内容、告诉Lucene如何处理该内容的元数据和表明该字段的重要性的增强值组成。
Note that the literal plus sign is$ 2 and has no meaningful value, but it still takes up a place. 注意,字面量加号是$2,没有有意义的值,但它仍然要占一个位置。
Yacc can recognize patterns of tokens; for instance, as in the example above, it can recognize that an expression can consist of a value, either a plus or minus sign, and another value. yacc可以识别出记号的模式;例如,如上面例子中所示,它可以识别出一个表达式可能由一个值、一个加号或者减号以及另一个值构成。
Both of these colors use the rgba function to specify the red-green-blue values, plus an alpha transparency value. 这两种颜色都使用rgba函数来指定“红-绿-蓝”值,以及一个alpha透明度值。
Please insure for us these products at invoice value plus 10% ( at 110% of the invoice value). 请给我们这批货物在发票金额上加10%的保险(即发票金额为110%)
Kadyrov says Chechens traveled long to see the end of the operation, plus they lost everything of value, and paid dearly for peace, stability and prosperity. 卡德罗夫说,车臣等了很久才看到军事行动的结束,同时也失去了一切,并为和平、稳定和繁荣付出了昂贵的代价。
So that is the integral-in going from infinity to R of my force which is plus,-because it's an increasing value of R mMG/ R^ 2dr m MG divided by R squared dr. 这就是我的作用力从,无穷远到R处的积分-,它是正值,因为它随着R而增大-,也就是。
We also measured intimal plus medial thickness in every carotid artery three times and calculated mean value. 我们同时测量每一个颈动脉内膜加中膜厚度三次求平均值。
Gross domestic investment-GDI: Outlays for additions to the fixed assets of the economy plus the net value of inventory changes. 国内投资总额(简写为GDI):一个国家增加的固定资产开支,加上存货变动的净值。
Goodwill is the excess value over the Market value of the PP& E, plus an estimate of the Present Value of the future Customer Book of Business. 无形资产是PP&E市场价值之外的盈数,加上将来客户生意单上现存价值的估计。
More companies now consist essentially of intangible assets such as patents plus the value embedded in their brands. 如今,更多公司主要是由专利和品牌附加值等无形资产构成。
The program is designed for experienced supply managers, and focuses on managerial and leadership skills, plus a variety of specialized functions designed to enhance the value of the profession. 此项目专门针对有经验的供应经理设计,并注重管理和领导技能以及增加职业价值的特定的各种特定的功能。
M2g Now, I know what T is, that is, m2 g+ so m2 g equals m1 g sine alpha plus the maximum frictional force, which is this value. 而T又等于,因此m2g=m1gsinα,最大静摩擦力,也就是上面这个。
Its main fund, advantage plus, lost about half its value over the course of 2011. 2011年,其主要基金advantageplus的价值缩水了一半左右。
Market price is the bond's present value, which equals the present value of the principal payment plus the present value of the cash interest payments. 市场价格是债券的现值,等于支付本金的现值加上支付现金利息的现值。
The cost of rehabilitation plus betterments approached 40% of the value of the structure. 修复费加上加固费接近建筑物造价的40%。
Three methods, cost plus sum, income current value and market, are mainly used for integral asset evaluation of power generation enterprises, of which the income current value method is in priority. 对于发电企业整体资产评估,主要采用成本加和法、收益现值法和市场法3种方法,首选是收益现值法。
The advantages or disadvantages of following methods, including sequence intersecting method, investment combination method, marketing sample method and safe interest rate plus risk readjust value method are also discussed. 分析了确定房地产投资报酬率的排序插入法、投资组合法、市场抽取法、安全利率加风险调整值法的利与弊。
Conclusion is made that proper configuration of specifications in process of spinning, drawing and twisting sections plus good mechanical performance will be a good measure reducing spinning CV value. 说明合理配置细纱、牵伸和加捻、卷绕部分的工艺参数,保持良好机械状态是减小细纱条干CV值的有效措施。
The garments industry of China is losing its advantages on the aspect of labor force cost, plus value of product, material, the competition from other developing countries and non-tariff barriers. 中国服装产业的比较优势在劳动力成本、产品附加值、原材料、发展中国家竞争、非关税壁垒等方面都遭遇困境,大连的服装产业集群也是问题众多。
The minimum fresh air volume of the system should be the maximum value between the values which local air exhaust plus the air volume that keep the indoor pressure positive and the value which the air volume need to meet the healthy requirement. 系统最小新风量应是局部排风量加上保持室内正压所需风量之和与卫生要求所需风量比较取二者最大值。
The time sequence, which is plus correlation with mean value of consistency value series and minus correlation with variance of consistency value series, is used as weight coefficient for sensor. 引入与一致性度量序列均值正相关,与方差负相关的序列作为传感器的权系数。
With the increasing of measuring temperature, it goes up to a small plus value and then down to zero at Curie temperature. 随测量温度的提高,λs先升到小的正值后在Curie点处降为零。
The simulation shows the algorithm has good noise suppression effect to plus correlation noise and non-correlation noise, thus has the practical application value. 仿真结果表明,该算法对加性相干和非相关噪声都有明显的消噪效果,有一定的实际应用价值。
Embedded value is the major method used by life insurers to appraise their values in recent years. Generally speaking, the appraisal value of a life insurer is its embedded value plus value of new business. 内含价值法(embeddedvalue)是近年寿险公司价值评估时运用的主要方法,一般认为,寿险公司的评估价值等于内含价值加上新业务价值。
Many enterprises, characterized by a lack of core-competitiveness and low product plus, have to stay at the bottom of the global economy value chain. The key problem is they lack independent innovation ability. 我们的企业缺乏核心竞争力,产品附加值低,处于世界经济价值链的低端,其关键在于缺乏自主创新能力。
It multiplied different evaluation index score with corresponding weights, incoming plus and namely for final evaluation value. 最常用的烤烟感官质量评价方法为指数和法,该方法将不同评价指标分值与对应权重相乘,所得加和即为最终评价值。